Play Button Collage

Ignite your ambition with my Play Button collage. This 8×10 collage blends gel-printed papers and mosaic artistry, adorned with empowering phrases to inspire your journey. Hang it proudly for daily motivation and a reminder to play life’s game with courage and conviction.


Mixed Media Artwork

Original Artwork by Susan Clifton

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Play Button Collage

Introducing my captivating 8×10 collage: the Play Button. This unique piece is a stunning fusion of artistry and inspiration, designed to ignite your passion and fuel your drive.

Crafted with meticulously gel-printed papers collaged into the background, the Play Button sets the stage for a transformative experience. At its center lies a striking black fabric mosaic circular button, adorned with powerful phrases that serve as both motivation and reminder.

“Life is a game, play to win,” beckons you to embrace life’s challenges with determination and gusto. “Never let the fear of failure stop you from playing the game,” serves as a poignant reminder to push past obstacles and pursue your dreams unabashedly. And finally, “If you play small, you stay small,” encourages you to step into your greatness and embrace the boundless potential within you.

Hang the Play Button proudly in your space as a testament to your resilience and ambition. Let its presence serve as a daily inspiration to chase your dreams fearlessly and live life to the fullest. Elevate your surroundings with the Play Button – a collage that speaks volumes and empowers you to seize every opportunity that comes your way.DETAILS:

SIZE: 8″x10″
MEDIUM: Mixed Media Collage on Wood cradled panel. Fabric Mosaic and Gelli prints.
FINISH: Glossy varnish



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