Ballerina Original Artwork

Acrylic on Canvas, Fabric Mosaic, Mixed Media, 42″ x 30″
The ballerina painting brings together my love of ballet, dance and movement. As a child I spent most of my free time in a dance studio and this painting was drawn from my memories of this time. This young ballerina is taking her bow after her first solo. In this painting the young dancer has just performed her first solo and these are her thoughts as she is taking her bow. It’s both an elegant and warm image that tells its own story. See her thoughts below.

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Mixed Media Artwork

Artwork by Susan Clifton

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Ballerina Original Artwork

Her thoughts:

“The best night of my life! I’m floating on air, I’m a star. My hard work paid off. How many curtain calls was that? This is heaven! I’m grateful for this moment. Where are the flowers? Oh, there they are! Pinch me, I’m dreaming. Look mom, I made it.”

Title: Curtain Call
Category: Grey Matter
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas, Fabric Mosaic, Mixed Media
Size: 42″x30″

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